Hello, it doesn't seem like much has changed since last night. The candles following the $BTC daily close are slightly above the $51500 threshold, but unfortunately they are very weak candles. Features and periods to pay attention to: Don't get caught up in FOMO. You can make $1 into $100, but you can't make $0 into $1. Also, do not fall under the spell of those who enter with high features, low amounts and say that they have earned a thousand dollars. If you don't understand anything, my advice to you is to take two trades a day, profit and loss (I recommend closing your minus 34% dice) and then do not trade that day. No matter how skilled you are, trading non-stop all day long will end in disappointment. Or my advice for small investors is to watch those who grab a share of the lion's prey and run away. If you covet the meat you buy, you will live. If you get fooled by the taste of the meat and ask for more, you will be left to the lions to think about :)
