♦️The miracle created by shib in the last round: 2020: plummeting all the way...

I entered Shitcoin on August 1st and invested in 1000U, which fell by 50% on August 31st, and 550U fell by 99.9% from September 30th to December 31st, leaving 1.96 U...

The market is full of abuse, doubts, and scams. . . .

In 2021, it has been skyrocketing...

The original 1000U I bought without cutting the flesh resulted in:

January 31 19607U

March 31, 98039U

April 30 3725490U

May 31 17254901U

June 30 16274509U

July 31, 12352941U

August 31, 14117647U

September 30, 13921568U

By October 8th, 55490196 U

From the first 1000U to the last 55490196U

Start with 1000x6.5=6500 yuan

In the end, 55490196x6.5=360686274 yuan invested 6500 yuan and became 360 ​​million yuan

You never know what tomorrow will bring.

♦️ Seize this bull market, there won’t be many opportunities in the future

This may be the last time or a rare opportunity to change your life in the currency circle.

Do you have enough high-quality chips in your hand?

♦️Follow ➕Don’t get lost in the currency circle, get more guidance

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