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Binance New Coin Mining will launch the 47th project tomorrow - Portal (PORTAL), a cross-chain gaming platform.

⏰Users can invest BNB and FDUSD into the PORTAL mining pool on the Launchpad website after 08:00 on February 22, 2024 (East Eight District time) to obtain PORTAL rewards. PORTAL can be mined for a total of 7 days.

New currency listed

⏰Binance will list Portal (PORTAL) at 18:00 on February 29, 2024 (Eastern Eighth District time), and open the PORTAL/BTC, PORTAL/USDT, PORTAL/BNB, PORTAL/FDUSD and PORTAL/TRY trading markets.

Project details

🔷Token name: Portal (PORTAL)

🔷Maximum supply of tokens: 1,000,000,000 PORTAL

🔷Initial circulation: 167,134,615 PORTAL (16.71% of the maximum supply of tokens)

🔷Total mining volume: 50,000,000 PORTAL (5% of the maximum supply of tokens)

#Web3Games #GameFi #鏈遊