Recession trading will gradually appear (I)

Since the beginning of 2023, most of my articles have said that the possibility of a recession is very high. Many friends disagree with my point of view and think it is a pipe dream.

However, as time changes, it is confirmed that recession trading has begun, and the Federal Reserve has also admitted that a recession may occur this year.

In recent days, the market has changed very complicatedly. The financial reports of the US stock market in Q1 have been released one after another, the British data has also been cold, the US debt has also reached the upper limit, commercial loans have been tightened, etc. In such an unfriendly environment, the US stock market and cryptocurrencies are still rising. Today, a sudden correction has exploded a lot of long orders. Fortunately, I had asked everyone to open short positions in advance yesterday. This wave is very comfortable.

Let’s talk about the commercial real estate crisis mentioned earlier. The first default has occurred this week, with a debt default of US$160 million.

Free guidance, let’s eat fish together and rise together🚀

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