Some people argue that anonymity is a myth, simply because they do not really understand what are the beauty of anonymity and haven’t experienced the value anonymity is adding to our lives dynamically.

The wonderful feature of the internet is the rattling keyboard, the squeaking mouse, the scrolling hands, and the rolling eyes which has become over 80% important day to day human lifestyle, from online jobs to online learning, online interviews, business meeting, seminars, relationship, buying and selling, news and information transfer, gaming, and whole lots of virtual experiences.

With billions of people on the internet, it has become a place where people share feelings, opinions, trolls, etc. the internet has become a place where people-built career, influence others and have big followings with creativity, intelligence and hard work.

As much as the internet has lots of cool feature, human also stand the chance of losing their human right in privacy due to limited anonymity on the internet.

Elon Musk in his words some days ago said “under the previous twitter management, the US government have access to twitter users’ data and even up to the supposed p2p encrypted direct messages”

When anonymity becomes difficult to maintain, users’ privacy is eroded because privacy is a product of anonymity.

The Onion Router (TOR) has proven that there’s beauty in being or remaining anonymous VIA its network giving millions of people the opportunity to live again, to make up a new life, and have a different identity in the cyber space which is totally different from their real identity.

With anonymity, marginalized people voices are amplified, the beauty and ugliness of different personalities manifesting, people are able to communicate with superiority or inferiority complex, freedom of speech and freedom of expressions like never before, adult mix with young, and people are able to communicate with whomever they want from anywhere in the world without fear and with maximum security.

Over couple of decades, anonymity and privacy has been greatly weakened by centralized authorities, they compelled ISPs, social media giants to keep track of internet users’ activities which greatly impaired the security wall of the internet users’

With TOR, over 2m people all over the world are able to communicate freely through the TOR network, TOR restore their anonymity however TOR also has its own limitations that does not guarantee anonymity for all users.

Limitations such as insufficient relays to handle many traffic from all part of the world and proper incentivization of the network since TOR relies on relay owner’s goodwill which is not sufficient to keep the network secured for a long-term.

ATOR protocol took on the initiative to improve and create a patch that would ensure longevity of the TOR network leveraging on blockchain technological solutions which will cover up the operational limitation of the TOR network.

With ATOR, TOR network contributors would be rewarded, this incentivization would there create a volume in number of relays since there’s availability of funds for the relay owners. Rewarding TOR contributor trigger a new revolution such as we see with Bitcoin miners, many users would be start owning and operating relays for the purpose of profit making which would then increase the number of nodes/relays who are supporting the traffic and the end goal is ensuring anonymity, safety and security of internet users.

ATOR would make it possible for you to be what you want to be, say what you want to say, no matter how controversial it is.

ATOR would make it possible for people of different ages, ideologies, background, personalities, temperament, religious & belief and political affiliation to find a common ground to express themselves and their opinions without risking their identity.

ATOR would potentially become a source of income, as earlier written in this article, the way miners earn Bitcoin from their mining systems, Relay holder would also get to earn ATOR for operating their relays.

Mining helps supports the Bitcoin and other POW networks and keep it secured, same way staking supports the POS networks and keep it secured, the same way, relay owners supports the internet users’ anonymity and keeping the network secured while earning.

Pen-drops with this beautiful quote, being anonymous is indeed a beautiful thing, Louisa May Alcott said and I quote "But many of the bravest never are known, and get no praise. That does not lessen their beauty”

If you want to find out more about The Onion Router and ATOR Protocol, you can always use google and twitter search, ATOR Protocol mentioned therein is not a financial advice, NFA.