Goerli, testnet is a proof of authority that web3 developers use to test blockchain applications before launching them on the Ethereum Mainnet. To test smart contracts on the Goerli testnet, developers need Goerli ETH to execute transactions. So what exactly is Goerli #ETH ?

What is Goerli?

Goerli is a testnet, a decentralized computing network that is separate from the main Ethereum network, so transactions do not switch between the two. Ethereum operates on a different system of consensus, proof of authority (PoA), rather than mainnet proof of authority (PoS).

Goerli is one of Ethereum's most popular testnets and is used by web3 application developers to test their applications before launching them on the Ethereum Mainnet.

What is Goerli ETH?

Goerli ETH is fake testnet ETH exclusive to the Goerli testnet that you use only to pay for the calculation.

Developers building Ethereum applications can receive Goerli ETH for free by using a Goerli Faucet. The ETH included here does not have any financial value or commercial dimension. It is used entirely in projects in the testing phase.

Why Use Goerli Test Network?

Developers build their dApps on the Goerli testnet rather than other testnets because Goerli supports a wider range of node software (e.g. Geth, Parity, Nethermind, Hyperledger) than alternatives like Rinkeby and Kovan, which only support Geth and Parity respectively.

As a separate ledger from the main #Ethereum network, everything that happens on the Goerli testnet stays on Goerli. Decentralized application developers prefer to use the Goerli testnet because it is a safe space to test their decentralized applications for security risks and bugs before releasing them on the Ethereum mainnet.