According to the article I shared last time, I think people who understand it should be making a lot of money now, while people who don’t understand it will always have to watch their money fly away!

Many people like to look at the winning rate and rate of return and simply don’t understand what your trading beliefs are? Whichever project or person is very good at placing orders recently, just follow the trend... What the trading market compares is mentality. The so-called "techniques are not as good as mental methods." If you want to make money in the financial market, you must first win against yourself. Have you ever wondered why robots perform better than your subjective operations? Because the robot is inhumane, whatever instructions you give it, it will perform exactly the same thing for you. Poor performance means there is something wrong with your strategy! Any strategy has a way to make money, but how do you modify it? Follow your SOP and not do whatever you want. Everything has rules. It is not luck that a small restaurant can become a listed company, but they have a way to make money. Principal When enough is enough, the same goes for expanding territory and trading!

Many people know that 80% of people lose money and only 20% make money

How can you become one of the 20%?

The following pictures tell the story #1000stas #1000rats $BTC $ORDI