A few days ago, as projects with models such as #og rose sharply, #torn was also rumored to have a model, which caught a wave of hot spots. But in fact, as the most mainstream mixer on #ETH , torn's influence is self-evident. According to the news, 175,000 tokens of the project were unlocked at the beginning of this month, and there was a hearing for the arrested founder on April 21. In recent days, Coinbase and some torn users have also expressed their hope to restart the project. From the chain, it can be seen that some addresses are continuing to increase their holdings. The contract address labeled Tornado. Governance Vesting transferred about 1.19w torn to the project contract address on April 11. These changes are worth paying attention to. After all, torn had a good increase before the hearing in February. #香港web3嘉年华 #Binance