If you see that a domestic currency issued last year or this year has risen, if you don't get on the bus, it will be short. Don't look at it. Don't think about waiting for him to cut in half to buy the bottom, because what will follow is an infinite decline, and the rebound will be minimal. Even in the bull market next year, they will not be able to ATH. They will give you a 90% drop on the basis of cutting in half. , because after the domestic project team harvested wealth and freedom, they went to the Haitian Feast and will not come back to continue development. It’s not that I admire foreigners. Let’s take a look at the currency of 2018. Which domestic ATH is there? Of course, foreign ones are not all ATH, but many are capable of ATH, and the increase is particularly huge. #BTC #crypto2023 #ETH #Binance #Web3