I think Bitcoin will hit $240,000.

Bitcoin’s halving will occur when the number of mined blocks reaches 840,000 in April 2024, when the reward per block will be reduced from 6.25 Bitcoins to 3.125 Bitcoins. “This basically means that the supply of new issues is cut in half. It has become twice as difficult for miners to make money mining Bitcoin. "

During the last halving cycle, there was “a 250.86% appreciation from a high of $20,000 all the way to a high of $69,000,” and if we consider the next 250% and take it from $69,000 (Bitcoin’s all-time high price) high into the next cycle, then I think the price of Bitcoin is around $240,000.

“I know it seems a bit exaggerated to talk about Bitcoin at $170,000 or $220,000 or even $1 million one day. But this cycle has worked in the past and until I see it not working in the future, I bet we’ll see to over $200,000 in Bitcoin. #热门话题 #BTC #内容挖矿 #brc20aodo $BTC