♻️ We fly into a company from ZetaChain and receive a second AirDrop, already in the Mainnet ⚡️
🖥 In general: they launched a company (you can call it that) where we will complete tasks and farm XP - which will be converted into the $ZETA token. The company itself will run for 30 days and for it we will be given another AirDrop
What should I do?🤔
1️⃣ Go to the website https://hub.zetachain.com/xp?code=YWRkcmVzcz0weDBFZjNFYTc5NzQzYUQwNkI3N0JjNEZCNTQwREQyNWRENjY1YTVhQ2ImZXhwaXJhdGlvbj0xNzA3MTY5ODUxJnI9MHgyMTNkZmNmZDE yMmU4NmNlOTNiZTc5MzFhZWQ1NTUyMWMyODMzM2E5ZjkyYzIxMmM3NmQ2MjY4YTc5N2FiYjA5JnM9MHgzMTYwN2FmODI2OTQwNTMwMzM4NGU2MWExMGRkNmU0N2Q0MjliODUzZTVlYmMxM TU0OTg1OGQwODFiYzhhZjBiJnY9Mjc%3D
(🚨Important!: copy the entire link - you will get double xp for entering
2️⃣ On the main website, click “Continue” several times
3️⃣ Connect your wallet and click on “Enroll and earn 100 XP”
4️⃣ We confirm the transaction and for this we receive the first 1000 XP (a commission in the $ZETA token will be required)
5️⃣ In the "Earn XP" section we complete available tasks every day
‼️😎 The company itself is very similar to the Mantle company, where you and I farmed Miles and received tokens for it. We have to do the same thing here, the tasks themselves are very easy, and there is nothing difficult there.