#What are inscriptions?

If Bitcoin is compared to digital gold, then inscription is an ornament made of gold. They share the same essence. Inscription refers to the process of embedding arbitrary data into the Bitcoin blockchain through the transaction witness data part.

At the end of December 2022, Casey Rodarmor appeared in the public eye with the concepts of Bitcoin Ordinals and Inscriptions, introducing NFT to the Bitcoin network.

Bitcoin Inscription is a piece of metadata inscribed on Satoshis using Ordinals (ordinal numbers), and can also be called "Bitcoin NFT". The Ordinals protocol is a system for numbering Satoshi, the smallest unit of Bitcoin. The total amount of BTC is 21 million. At the same time, the Ordinal protocol can also implant data into BTC. This implantation process is called inscribe, and is This part of the implanted data is naturally called an inscription, and the Satoshi carrying the inscription creates uniqueness and scarcity.

The smallest unit of Bitcoin is Satoshi (sats), 1 BTC = 100 million Satoshi. Each Satoshi is sorted through ordinal theory, has different characteristics, and has a unique number. These coins containing different rare characteristics are called inscriptions.

Friends who are interested in more knowledge about inscriptions can do their own research. Just remember that there are three important words in the inscription track, namely ordinals (ordinal), satoshi (satoshi) and inscriptions (inscriptions). Their BRC- The 20 inscriptions are ordi, sats and insc.

But there are some characteristics of inscriptions that you should remember

1. First come, first served: The higher the gas fee given, the priority will be processed. The same gas fee is first come, first served; (PS: mint inscription progress exceeds 90%, please remember to pull gas. If you want to complete the inscription and sell it earlier, please pull gas. These are all experiences exchanged for money)

2. Unique: As long as it is inscribed first, subsequent ones cannot inscribe it again, and inscriptions with the same characters cannot be deployed repeatedly, so it is unique;

3. Cannot be tampered with: The inscription is engraved on the coin and cannot be tampered with. There is no possibility of unlocking/additional issuance and smashing the plate.

4. More fair: everyone can mint, everyone can mint, the costs of large investors or project parties are the same as ours, and there is no rat warehouse;

5. More secure: no contract, no contract loopholes, no risk, no RUG

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