A week has passed since the last time #XRP liquidated the position, and trading officially resumed today. Based on the voting results, 10U will start over again. The fund management and entry and exit basis have not changed. I hope that the system can be strictly implemented this time and the lessons learned from the last time can be learned#SJCrypto #BTC

🙌 Motivation: I hope that through this public method, transactions can be made more cautious. If it succeeds in the end, it will also be a very educational deed.

🥇Expected: Daily profit of 1% and compound interest

🎊Goal: 10U survive for 100 days

🏁Process: We still make intraday orders. We will use Excel tables to count daily delivery situations. The square will also update them in real time and publish a summary every month.

😀Expectation: Continuously revise your trading system until stable profitability, hoping to build an anti-fragile trading system under trends and volatile market conditions!

⭕Stay tuned~