I guess all traders who are serious about trading have experienced psychological and financial training. I believe that most of them are not so new at the beginning. They start with basic market analysis, analyzing interest rates, political situations, etc. A series of market news cannot be used to analyze future trends. This problem is that the huge retail investors and professional investment institutions in the market are completely ignored. However, it is the trading sentiment on the market that ultimately affects the price. In fact, it is difficult to trade through such market news. will be correct.

After experiencing failure in basic market analysis, I will switch to pure technical analysis and start to delve into various K-line technologies, mathematical models, etc. I want to use the most theoretical knowledge to analyze the market, and then find that the more I understand, the more complicated the market direction will be. , ended in failure.

Then I turn to psychological analysis. I will start to think about the emotions of both bulls and bears in this market. I will start to think about what the dealer will do. I will analyze the psychology of past order openings and start to have in-depth thinking. I want to get closer to understanding the essence of the transaction, but the nature of the transaction The essence is that there are winners and losers. As a retail investor, you cannot operate this market. You can only use the technical analysis you have learned to increase the probability of success.