[Today's Operation Diary] and the ideas for the next two days

Auction cleared out. Bought 1000 at 22.5 and sold at 28.4.
Profit 6000U+
I wanted to wait for the official announcement tomorrow before selling, but I couldn't help but sell it when the price went up. Now it seems that it is indeed sold at a low price, and it may be announced tomorrow that the price will be 30+.
This coin is one that I have reminded you many times that you can buy within 22. The profit and loss is relatively high. I will decide whether to open a short position after seeing the specific announcement tomorrow. If I open an order, I will ban the group from posting the order.

Another recent hot topic is the JUP, which was issued on the 31st. The futures price I saw this morning was 0.7. The following is my recommendation this morning (I mentioned this coin, Orca, in the group a long time ago. I spent 21,000 U and it is currently worth 33,000 U):

The following are JUP concept related coins:

Recommended currency): ORCA
Recommended price: 5.59
Reason 1: JUP is very popular recently, and it should be issuing coins soon. JUP is an aggregator. Currently, the largest dex on the sol chain is orca, followed by ray. It is likely to bring popularity to orca and ray.
Risk: I have already reminded you about this coin before, and the price is a little lower. I just remembered this coin today, and it has risen a lot today, so I can wait for a pullback to enter.
Note: This coin is listed on cb, not on Binance. You can buy it on the sol chain at http://orca.so or http://jup.ag.

There is also the coin wen.
I received it as soon as I didn't receive it. Now one airdrop is worth 100u. It was only worth 30u at the opening. It will be closed at 24:00 tonight. More than 40 million coins have not been received and are waiting to be destroyed. Maybe there will be another wave of increase? It's a pity that I didn't get on the train.