Do you still have the inscriptions? Brothers, the inscriptions you can see are being washed with blood.

The inscription you cannot see has lost its fluidity.

Of course, you can say that I don't understand your grand plans.

However, if you look at the price a little bit, you can see how many people have taken advantage of it.

Give me another needle, and I'll help you figure it out. 😂

ORDI, pay attention to the location near 45. The key support level in the early stage.

Many people are saying not to sell. Today’s top will be tomorrow’s bottom. As a result, I kept asking Ange every day when his web3 wallet would be online. Why go online? Just sell the goods.

Contradictory, really contradictory~ #ORDI. #SATS

#Web3 #ETFbitcoin #NFT