A rate hike of 25 is basically confirmed. In any case, the long-term trend remains bullish.

28696 is the 0.618 retracement of the previous trend. If this position is easily broken, the level will be 44000.

Take one step at a time, the plan can never keep up with the changes. The collective thunderstorm of banks is something no one expected. The more chaotic they are, the better the safe-haven assets will be.

BTC's daily moving average of 144 has begun to curve upward. If it does not break, it will wait for a sprint. At present, it should mainly fluctuate slightly. The price has broken through Bollinger and is on the upper track, indicating a strong form. If it is strong, it is possible to test 32,000. The current daily price is above all moving averages, and the probability of a deep decline is unlikely.

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