25 states including Texas have declared rebellion against the US government. 🇺🇸

In an unprecedented turn of events, a joint declaration by 25 states, including Texas, is challenging federal authority following a controversial Supreme Court ruling. The ruling granted Texas Governor Gregg Abbott permission to fortify the Mexican border with razor wire, intensifying the ongoing immigration debate.

Initially erected to stem the flow of migrants at the southern border, the razor-wire barriers faced federal opposition. Governor Abbott's defiant stance, vowing to persist even if federal agents dismantled them, has garnered support from 25 states, exposing a stark divide between state and federal authorities.

President Biden, opting for diplomacy, has allowed Texas a grace period, but the federal government retains the power to assume control of the Texas National Guard. With half of the country's states involved, the nation stands at a crossroads, underscoring the escalating tensions surrounding immigration policy and the delicate balance of power between states and the federal government. The stage is set for potential conflicts as the nation grapples with this unprecedented challenge to federal authority.

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