This topic is often mentioned, but in fact, no matter how many times we remind people, it is not very effective. After reading it, people will turn around and embrace the next "God". God will never perish, but will only become more and more numerous;

Because people need "God", so there is religion; because investment needs "God", so there is Ding Yifeng; because cryptocurrency trading needs "God", so there is Yongzhuan Master;

Everyone wants to find his or her own "backer" in a field that he or she does not understand. Everyone has a "wait, rely on, and ask for" mindset and does not want to work hard to learn because learning is too tiring.

This is a product of ideology and the bottom of human nature.


Mahjong is a movie by Edward Yang. I have recommended it to many of my friends. Go watch it when you have nothing to do. If you can understand some truths from it, it may bring about a qualitative change in your life.

Mahjong tells us that from national leaders to street homeless people, only a few can transcend humanity and become gods. In essence, no one knows what he wants. If you tell him what he wants and point him in the direction, he will follow you. If you let him taste the sweetness, he will go crazy for you.

The process of pointing him in the direction and reaping the benefits is the art of deification!

Leek technique:

I used to like a sentence from a young lawyer in Shanghai:

People are indeed divided into superior and inferior people. People spend their entire lives offering sacrifices to the gods. The superior people are the ones who create gods, while the inferior people offer sacrifices to the gods they created. This is the art of leeks.

Sui Guangyi's story of creating gods:

Sui Guangyi was just a qigong master in the countryside of Northeast China. He relied on his magic skills to swindle people and founded Ding Yifeng. Over the past decade, he has successfully transformed himself into an investment master who is on par with Buffett and Soros, and has created a new investment theory. Sui Guangyi sells whatever products are hot and is always at the forefront of the times.

This is a company with a very wide range of business. It claims to be engaged in investment and financial management, but in fact it is a Ponzi scheme of the nature of a pyramid scheme. It also claims to produce CPU chips. It has cultural and tourism real estate at the foot of Changbai Mountain in Northeast China and a high-end Zen meditation club on Wutong Mountain in Shenzhen. In the early days, it sold furniture blessed by magical powers and health-preserving functional skin care products.

Relying on a combination of measures step by step, he deceived hundreds of thousands of families into investing hundreds of billions of yuan.

The most amazing thing is that Sui Guangyi has always been obsessed with the excavation of the prehistoric dragon, tiger and lion, but later changed his words and claimed that Ding Yifeng had a secret weapon - a video tape that Sui Guangyi accidentally found at the foot of Changbai Mountain, which recorded various secrets of prehistoric civilization, the origin of mankind, and aliens. Sui Guangyi often told his followers that once the video tape was taken out, Ding Yifeng would be invincible.

Anti-fraud techniques:

Are you a "leek" or a "god", you can actually choose for yourself!

This is about the advancement of thinking style. There is no tutorial. You need to take your thinking style and mentality to another dimension. If you are not very perceptive, this requires experience. Therefore, the ancients said that you need to read thousands of books and travel thousands of miles.

Svwang1 said that one of the most essential ways to prevent being cheated is to increase your opportunity cost. This opportunity cost is the process of experience!

That is to say, you have seen all kinds of very good things, and the second-best things are not in your eyes at all and will be automatically filtered out, so you will not be deceived.

The reason why many people who have been deceived is that they have too little experience and have never seen the world.

Most of the people who have been cheated in Shenzhen are those who have been relocated and nouveau riche. Most of them do not have much social experience. The money they earn by luck will eventually be lost by their own strength. This is a rule, so it is not surprising.

Second, once you find that you have made a mistake, you must decisively abandon the sunk costs and correct the mistake decisively. The earlier the error is corrected, the lower the cost will be.

Human nature determines that when faced with losses, everyone is prone to become a gambler! People are generally not easily deceived, but they are very likely to lose their minds in order to recover temporary losses, thus ignoring greater risks, choosing to go all out and lose everything!

For example, gambling, investing, or a useless job that you have been doing for a long time and are unhappy about, but you are reluctant to give up!

A fan who invested in Ding Yifeng said that he felt something was wrong in the first half of the year, but he had invested 500,000 yuan in principal and according to the contract, if he took it out in advance, the principal would be sharply reduced. So in order to get the principal back as soon as possible, he did something incredible and invested another 1 million yuan in principal according to the salesperson's request, saying that the income could be withdrawn in advance and there would be no loss. As a result, 1.5 million yuan was lost at the same time.

This process is very similar to when we keep adding positions to recover losses and eventually turn ourselves into the banker; it is very similar to when you lose all your money in a casino and are determined to earn back your principal even if you have to borrow money.

Always remember that the cost of silence is not a cost. You can be greedy but don’t be unwilling. Since it has happened, there is no use regretting!

Always remember this sentence: I can be greedy or stupid; but never be stupid when I am greedy, and never be greedy when I am stupid!