Sleepless AI’s apology letter regarding the sale of HIM Genesis series NFT

Dear AI community members:

Hello everyone, recently we have heard a lot of challenges and confusion from the community regarding the Genesis series of NFTs, and we have made deep reflections. I am sending this letter today, hoping to sincerely apologize to the affected users and summarize the whole process of NFT sale.

As a novice starting a business in Web3 for the first time, we launched this HIM: Genesis series of NFTs after studying the common release methods for on-chain games. During this offering, due to a lack of understanding of the industry, market personnel did not have a sufficient grasp of the details of marketing work, and lacked fast, effective, and transparent communication in the community. During this period, the NFT auction price increased, and the gap between the expected airdrop ratio and the NFT price was large, resulting in losses for all Genesis NFT users holding HIM. At the same time, we also realize that communication with users does not have a complete and systematic solution, but communicates one by one. We express our most sincere apologies for the trouble and harm caused.

For this, our solution:
1. We have actively and sincerely communicated with all NFT buyers and solved everyone’s confusions and questions:…