Nine realms of investors in the currency circle

New to the cryptocurrency industry: New to digital currency investment, with little knowledge of the market and trading rules. If you follow the advice of friends or market hot spots to invest, you may make a small profit, but your trading mentality will be relaxed, you will be more cautious about risk control, and your holding period will be short.

Technical Analysis Exploration: Start delving into technical analysis and try analyzing trades on your own. Although sometimes accurate, it is generally at a loss. The operations at this time are mainly short-term transactions, relying on technical indicators and not caring about fundamentals.

Chasing the rise and killing the fall: After trying a variety of trading methods, I gradually realized that the market is not as simple as imagined. In terms of operation, they start to chase the rise and kill the fall, but they often fall as soon as they buy and rise as soon as they sell, and they fall into the dilemma of losing money.

Seek breakthroughs: After a period of trial and error, you begin to realize the complexity and depth of the market. Try to learn from a master or look for inside information to begin to form an overall understanding of the market.

Establish a trading system: After having certain trading experience and understanding of the market, start building your own trading system. Pay attention to the swing market, learn to reflect on transactions, and understand why transactions succeed or fail. Although the account is still losing money, start to learn to self-reflect and improve.

Stable profits: I have built my own trading system and formulated a trading plan, and the account has made profits and losses at first. Although it hasn't been able to keep all its profits, it has been able to outperform the market when the market is rising.

Mature traders: Begin to understand that short-term market fluctuations are difficult to predict, but mid-term trends can be predicted. His own trading system is gradually improved and he is able to formulate and execute trading plans. A more mature mentality in the face of winning and losing, and understanding that the market will eventually reward reasonable investments.

Big profits and big patterns: It is relatively easy to make money and not interested in small profits. Pay more attention to big trends and macroeconomic changes. The trading cycle is extended, the time to watch the market is reduced, and the risk tolerance is increased.

Cross-market investment and financial freedom: The investment horizon is no longer limited to the currency circle, and begins to pay attention to and invest in other markets. Be very sensitive to macroeconomic changes and use economic cycles to make investment choices. Use hedging strategies to reduce risk and achieve financial freedom.

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