In the last bull market, in 2020, I contacted the COO of Solana and directly got 0.2U of #SOL . I persisted all the way, from 0.2U to 20U, and finally 200U. Finally, it plummeted, and now it is 60U.

For a high-quality asset, the banker's thinking will definitely find ways to get you out of the car. When a bull market comes, sometimes it makes sense to listen more to brainwashing and strengthen your faith. Once you get off the bus, you may never get back on.

Hearing these voices in the market every day, claiming that a certain asset is the big winner in the future, makes people want to invest. Watching its price continue to rise, I once confidently believed that there would be a correction and waited for a better time to buy.

However, every minor correction seems to have become a springboard for it to hit new highs, leaving all waiting investors stunned. In this case, you will find a phenomenon: if you can't beat the market trend, then it may be a wiser choice to join it. Either you don't pay attention to the market at all, or you jump in early.

In a bull market, the most worrying thing is not that no one will promote the assets you buy, but that you dare not boldly promote your investment choices after buying them. We are all each other's partners in this game.