How Ordinary People Accumulate and Turn Around Part 2

Third, you need to enhance your ability to identify. If you just want to make a little money, then your personal strength is enough. But if you want to make a lot of money, you must rely on the power of the team and the power of momentum.

This place gives you two choices. The skills of partnership. First of all, you must choose those whose integrity seems to be more important than anything else and whose values ​​are consistent with yours so that you can resonate with them. Their abilities and resources must be able to match yours. Complement each other. Don’t only consider the people with whom you have the best relationship. When selecting internal core members, be sure to choose those who are not picky, responsible, timely and responsive. They have strong professional abilities and excellent communication skills, rather than those who are concerned about treatment. the least demanding person

Fourth, you must get rid of the habit of doing everything yourself. As I said, don’t get bogged down by trivial matters. All rich people are masters at allocating resources. They will allocate the work and wealth that should be allocated. In this way Only then can we free up time and energy to think, develop and expand our operations.

The fifth rule can only be understood but not expressed in words. This may be difficult for some people to accept, but anyone who has ever been a boss should understand that you must overcome the fear of bragging. This does not mean that you should deceive others, but that you must overcome the fear of bragging. Because the essence of business is virtual reality. It can only be said that when you understand this, you can achieve greater success.

Sixth, you must position yourself as the player in the game, and don’t become a pawn in the consumption trap. If you can do the first five points, you may accumulate wealth.

Seventh, you must learn to take advantage of the momentum. Making 1 million can be achieved through self-discipline and accumulation. However, it is impossible to earn the first 10 million in life through normal methods alone. You must take advantage of the momentum as leverage. How to borrow What about potential? Take advantage of the situation in three aspects to strengthen your knowledge and access to information. Make full use of the resources around you to establish connections with successful people. Take the opportunity to rely on your judgment and action to seize opportunities. You need to be prepared in advance. , once the opportunity arises, he will not hesitate to take advantage of it.