Yesterday, in the last few minutes of my space marathon at Socrates, a volunteer with a rare Satoshi avatar chatted with me normally for nearly an hour (already overshadowing Coffee Brother's momentum). When I finished with 5 minutes left, he asked me to give him a few minutes to talk about rare Satoshi. He agreed to talk about the concept, and introduced the first Satoshi of each block, the first Satoshi of halving, butterfly Satoshi, etc. Today, I feel my brain is still buzzing. If I were a fan of inscriptions, I would really feel that I was forced to buy. The key is that I just finished talking about the next round of narratives and I am not optimistic about the concept of inscriptions. I am not optimistic about inscriptions myself, so I was not successfully cxed, but this volunteer left a deep impression on me and made me want to write something about volunteers.

I remember the first time I volunteered was around 2018. At that time, there was almost no such title as volunteer. Many people just had to do things for others with a flattering attitude. The project owner might give a tiny reward when they saw your contribution, or even give you nothing. But it did not affect the fact that some people would take the initiative to help, because everyone was a holder and had a sense of ownership of the project.

In the community, everyone didn’t know each other at first, but over time, it seemed as if there were invisible hands in the community that selected some people who performed well in the community. They could quickly get started on a project, and everyone would naturally ask them, as if they were the choice of the community. Because new projects do require some thresholds, people’s cognition is sometimes not up to par, and they need other people to help them understand. Now there are many projects, and everyone is more obviously divided, because people cannot have the energy to understand all the projects, and various circles have been formed. I prefer the free voice circle, which is more real. So far, volunteers have never seen fake ones, and verbal communication is easier for everyone to understand.

In my Free Voice community, there are several volunteers from other projects who are also quite prominent, such as Tang Moon from xvs and Mao Ge from inj. They have also made great contributions to the promotion of volunteers in our Free Voice channel. Later, I saw that Tang Moon would often chat and communicate in the tg community voice or answer everyone’s questions about xvs. Mao Ge’s dream now is to become a higher-level volunteer. Now many project parties can also pay attention to volunteers and give volunteers a channel for advancement. I think this is a very good thing.

     In many cases, ordinary users cannot contact the people in the operation or team, and the pace of the currency circle is relatively fast, and the turnover of personnel is relatively frequent. On the contrary, it means that the volunteers of the project party are easier for everyone to contact, and many volunteers are relatively stable. I have seen many volunteers have been working for many years and have outlasted many operations. I think volunteers will be a very important part of the project in the future. Good projects will break away from the original short-term and fast situation of quickly forming a group of rabble to serve as volunteers and then scattering when the bear market comes. Volunteers and projects will become more and more closely connected, and can play a very important role. If the project party has reliable volunteers, everyone will feel more at ease when they see it. I remember that when the helio protacal project hay was temporarily de-anchored by hackers, I went to the community to see that the volunteers were very active in calming everyone's emotions and releasing subsequent solutions. I quickly copied 0.4, and then it quickly reached 0.8, and soon generated profits, and then gradually returned to the anchor. If there were no volunteers at the time and only an official announcement was relied on, it would inevitably cause market panic. Volunteers, as a lubricant with the community, often play a very important role. As a Binance Angel, I also hope to learn more from other volunteers and hope to contribute to the big ecosystem together.