Today is Goddess’ Day, an exclusive day for me and millions of cryptocurrency goddesses. I would like to share my experience in the cryptocurrency industry for more than 7 years, hoping to encourage you together.

When I first arrived, the distance between me (you) and twenty million

(1) What I missed when I first entered the currency circle

I came to the currency circle at the beginning of 2016. It was an era when a hundred flowers were blooming, and anyone who was brave and had a little bit of thought could catch gold. In such a good time, I came, full of expectations. I got to know a lot of celebrities before 1994, and some of them may still be famous now, such as Lao Mao, but they have all gone overseas. Maybe they cut the leeks too hard, and they are afraid of bringing back Audi circles.

As a newly graduated college student, I have a narrow cognition as a fledgling. I introduced many bosses from traditional circles into the cryptocurrency industry. With my help, two of them earned around 20 million, but I only earned about 20 million yuan. Know the band, such as a thousand times coin sc, and wash yourself out. A certain coin holding an ICO at the back has almost returned to zero. At that time, I regretted not paying to join the circles of some celebrities to improve my knowledge. That was the first time I missed 20 million.

On September 4, 2017, under a national policy, major domestic exchanges went overseas one after another, and many coins returned to zero. It was an unprecedented panic. Many people were heavily in debt, but there were also a few who bought the bottom, and tens of thousands of dollars leveraged tens of millions of wealth. , I didn’t know enough, and I was out. Later, when I saw that the market was good, I came back with my ex-boyfriend and took the infamous #eos . For three years, whenever I got my salary, I would definitely buy it. If the market fell sharply, I would use my credit card to buy it. This kind of life may not be enough for this round of leeks. Like me before, I thought I was buying the bottom, but ended up having my house confiscated. You may count how many coins you like with the money you save every time, and then save money on food and clothing, but when the bull market comes again, many copycats may return to zero, so be cautious.

(2) Living in the trap of debt

In 2017, I listened to various successful schools and spent more than 100,000 on tuition and credit cards. And I continued to invest in EOS, which made me fortunate to have a debt of more than 300,000 in 2018. For a girl who has just graduated, there is a lot of pressure. At that time, I didn't dare to go home and couldn't afford the fare, but I never thought about committing suicide. There is hope for me while I'm alive. If you are also in debt, come on, study hard, learn lessons, and without leverage, you can turn around in the currency circle.

This was the first time I missed out on 20 million and ended up in debt of hundreds of thousands. In the bear market from 2018 to 2020, many leeks left the market. There were many women around me who felt the most obvious. They got married and had children and quit the circle. But because I have a community, I have been paying attention to this circle. The trough of those few years made me get rid of many problems, such as being able to do a lot of things, saving as much as possible, no matter how well you look, if you have no money in your pocket, no one will care about you, and even your boyfriend will leave you. The reason why my ex-boyfriend and I broke up was because of money.

(3) Successful turnaround and small savings

2021 is the year of the bull market in the currency circle. When the bull market came, I saw an advertisement from a certain ancient CX marketer in a currency circle group and asked us to attend a meeting. At that time, I went there for the red envelope. The red envelope I didn’t receive it, but I also followed this circle. Later, I earned tens of thousands of yuan by relying on a certain card, and I also had thousands of certain cards in my hands. At the peak of certain cards in 2021, I also had 20 million, but I couldn't persist for a year, and I missed it again. But I don’t regret it. It’s all fate and luck. Many people think it’s just how good they are, and most of it is your fate. I’ve seen very good people always make wrong decisions when they have bad luck. The CX disk at the back was also removed, the chain was changed, and various modes were almost reset to zero. So this experience tells me that if you are not greedy and cut your profits, you can at least live a well-off life. Don't envy others who make a lot of money. Not many people can completely succeed and retire. Most of them exit at a loss. It's just that we are used to looking at lucky things.

The reason why it was able to turn around was that it encountered last year's bull market, captured bnb, and the ICO king-level project #icp that it participated in at the beginning of 2018 also issued coins. Including the later shib, etc., it not only allowed me to pay off more than 300,000 yuan in debt, but also allowed me to accumulate savings.

(4) Will the bull market definitely make people rich?

Personally, I don’t think so. No matter whether it’s bull or bear, some people lose money and some make money. Just like in 2021, many people made a fortune, but those who didn’t make it into their pockets don’t count. In 2021, I firmly followed my Yijing teacher, believed in Yi Xue, and insisted on using this Wanqi. Many people followed me because of Yijing Wanqi. Old fans all know my experience. Every time when the market is confusing and I am not sure, I will ask my teacher Yi Dao to help me calculate. Although the bull market in 2021 failed to reach the highest point, it is generally good, and 60,000 is gone. The bnb was sold from 400 to 560, and the money was also cashed out. This enabled me to accumulate funds, and I am very grateful to #BNB for helping me turn around. Under the guidance of Yi Xue's predictions, I was finally able to make money in the cryptocurrency market. Although not as much as other big guys, I am satisfied. Looking at it the other way around, from the first time I encountered a bull market with hundreds of thousands in debt, to this time I turned around and had a small amount of savings, 20 million was getting closer and closer to me. I believe I will have 20 million in the next bull market.

(5) How to survive in a bear market?

I once shared on Twitter that if you don’t lose money in a bear market, you will make money. If the market rebounds and cannot stop profits in time, it is most likely to lose money. In a bear market, you must improve your ability to make money and learn more to improve yourself. And observe more, whether it is observing projects or KOLs you recognize, the bear market is a touchstone and can help you find the answer to how the bull market can take off.

In 2022, I will insist on sharing my own experiences on Twitter. Many articles are actually summaries of myself. In the process of sharing, I will encounter a lot of comments, some of which are unpleasant, but thanks to these unpleasant words, I can gradually adapt to them now. I once cried because of negative reviews, and even wanted to give up the path of sharing Yi Xue Wanbi, but then I thought, if I give up, I have really failed. I should continue to do it, not because of other people's reviews. And stop yourself. Every pressure will turn into motivation for me to move forward. Just like cryptocurrency, whether it is 94 or 312 or whatever, the currency circle is developing better and better, and #BTC 's progress has never stopped.

Thank you for the fate and Binance Square for allowing me to share my experience again. Only by not forgetting your original intention can you achieve success. Always remember the original intention of coming to cryptocurrency, I am to make my family live a better life. When your original intention goes against your current status, remember to stop and think before moving forward!

Life requires accumulation. It is very difficult to get rich overnight. It is a small-probability event. I want to do a high-probability event that can be achieved. There are also friends who have earned tens of thousands of yuan from the chain game raca on Binance Chain, but after all, they are only a few, and The key is to put it in your pocket. As for you, do you already have tens of millions, or are you still working hard? But no matter what, I believe that the cryptocurrency circle will change the fate of many losers. This is a very fair circle. work hard together.
