Some people ask why I always lose money by speculating in currencies?

If you lose money due to currency speculation, is it contract speculation?

If you lose money by speculating on contracts, it may not be easy. Unless you are a trading genius, anyone who enters the contract market faces the risk of losing money.

Secondly, whether you are trading some small market capitalization currencies, if you lose money, you may need to retreat, because your routine may not be able to beat the project side, and they can use various methods to cut leeks at any time.

If you just hold coins without trading, then focus on hoarding mainstream currencies, and then add some powerful small currencies. You may suffer losses in the short term, but if you can hold them until the bull market comes, you will generally make money. long enough.

In the currency circle, it is an area that requires continuous learning. When you lose money, you must understand the reason for the loss, learn more, summarize more, and avoid traps. When your learning speed is similar to that of the project team, you will have the opportunity to make money. You just need to wait for luck to come, and then you can spread your wings and fly high. #BTC #ETF通过 $BTC $ETH