Many friends expressed the hope that more information in this area could be popularized to avoid unnecessary mistakes.

I hope this can help everyone.

Table of contents:

1. Causes and consequences of frozen cards

2. Basic situation of freezing

3. How to deal with freezing

4. Sharing of thawing cases

---------------I am the dividing line--------------

1. The causes and consequences of frozen cards.

In 2020, in order to combat online gambling, telecommunications fraud and other cyber crimes, and to prevent criminals from laundering their funds, the state launched the "Net Cleaning Operation" and the subsequent "Card Cutting Operation" to combat illegal and criminal acts such as buying, selling and lending phone cards and bank cards. For a time, many netizens and search platforms appeared with "Bank card frozen?" "Bank card frozen for half a year?" "Bank card frozen by police in other places?" "Will I be arrested if my bank card is frozen for online gambling?" "Why was my card frozen when I was selling sperm at the exchange?" and many other information, which made many frozen netizens dazzled and didn't know how to deal with such a situation? They were anxious or unable to sleep or eat. The natural attributes of blockchain virtual currency have also been used by criminals as an important way to launder money, indirectly causing the currency circle to become a hard-hit area for frozen cards after online gambling. As of today, the high-pressure policy at the policy level is still severe. Many online gamblers have completely quit online gambling since their cards were frozen. It can be seen that the correctness of the Net Cleaning Operation and the Card Cutting Operation is beyond doubt, and it protects the legitimate assets of many ordinary people.


2. Basic information on freezing

Bank card freezing can be roughly divided into two situations: one is 3 days (emergency stop payment), and the other is 6 months. Within 3 days, whether you spend 48 hours or 12 hours, it will be counted as within the 3-day period. If the bank clearly tells you that the blockade can be unblocked in 3 days, you don’t need to do anything, just wait with peace of mind. The unblocking time of each bank is different. For example, China Construction Bank, the bank informed that the blockade will be unblocked on the 12th. Generally, the actual unblocking time is on the 13th, which is later than expected. One day later, there is also the Agricultural Bank of China, which will be unblocked after the corresponding unfreezing time of 22:30 on the day of unblocking. There are many banks that do not give examples one by one. You only need to wait for the corresponding time.

When the account is frozen for 3 days, you may worry about another problem, whether it will be renewed. The simplest way is to ask the bank about the unfreezing date on the day the bank informs you of the unfreezing date. If the bank informs you that the unfreezing time has not changed, it has not been renewed, and you can just wait with peace of mind! For example, if your bank card is frozen on the 4th, and then you contact the bank to be informed that it will be unfrozen on the 6th, if you are worried about the unfreezing being renewed at this time, you can ask the bank about the unfreezing time during the day on the 6th or call the customer service in the early morning of the 6th. If the bank replies to you that it is still on the 6th, it means that your account has not been renewed and you can just wait with peace of mind.

There is another situation. When you ask the bank for the first time, you are told that it will take 3 days. Then, when you ask again 3 days later, it is frozen by another police station. This is the situation where multiple police stations freeze your money. Because several of your money is screened, or one money is frozen by multiple police stations, it is more troublesome to unfreeze it than freezing it by one police station. Each police station must unfreeze it for you. If one of the police stations suddenly freezes your money for 6 months, you have to read the following about the handling method of the 6-month freeze. This is a group of people who are frozen for 3 days. In fact, the 3-day freeze is more of a psychological torment, anxiety, and helplessness. Everyone will feel the same when it happens for the first time. I have encountered a sum of money being frozen by police stations in more than a dozen places at the same time. I really don’t know what they did...


In addition to the two time points of 3 days and 6 months, there is also a more unclear time point. Just ask the bank, and the bank told me that there is no time. The system does not show the time. It is frozen by a certain public security or judicial department. Generally, about 80% of this group will be unblocked in 3 days. According to the data I have contacted, if What will happen if the lockdown is not lifted for 3 days? Just continue to wait. If you wait for more than a week and the blockade has not been lifted, there is no need to doubt it. Basically, it can be concluded that it is a group of 6 months. Why wait for a week? This involves the time of the bank to unblock. Some banks will be 1-2 days late. , sometimes system delays are possible, but if it is not unblocked for more than a week, it is basically 6 months!​

First of all, all friends who have been frozen for 6 months must be clear about one thing. Banks may trigger system risk control due to fast in and out of funds, one in and multiple out, multiple in and one out, etc., causing non-counterfeiting or emergency stop. Pay and wait for 3 days, but the public security freeze must be because your account is or has received black money from the exchange's C2C counterparty. The public security will not freeze the card for no reason. There must be a victim who has called the police. The public security will Cards are frozen based on the direction of funds. In some cases, it is normal for thousands or tens of thousands of cards to be frozen.

People who have been frozen for 6 months all want to know what the situation will be like after half a year. Will it be extended or will it be automatically unblocked? No one here can give you an accurate answer. There are too many levels, key points, and too many factors involved. Different places, different case managers, how many lots of funds are received, etc. will affect the direction of the card. Different processing methods will have different results. In fact, the luck factor after being frozen is also very important.


3. How to deal with it after freezing

Many friends who have had their coins frozen will ask me whether they should go to the freezing unit to unfreeze their coins, because many people are afraid of being detained and affecting their normal lives. My view is that if you have a clear conscience, you should go, and if you have a guilty conscience, you should go even more. It is the best policy to confess and strive for leniency from the public security, and to actively contact the police for handling. It is a blessing, not a disaster. If it is a disaster, you can't avoid it. Escape can't solve any problem.

In many normal situations, it is normal to make a note, truthfully explain your situation, and then go home and wait for news. No one I know from anyone has said that they have been detained. After all, there are too many frozen groups. My understanding can only be part of it. I can only write down the data I know. Very few people have been summoned! For example, some time ago, Weibo blogger Qing Tian went to Thaw and was detained for 37 days. He was more likely to blindly believe in bulk business and was tricked by a certain bulk business. I don’t know the specific situation. After all, this kind of situation is in the minority. The difference between bulk merchants and ordinary merchants It’s the difference between a deposit of 100,000 U and a deposit of 10,000 U. You can apply if you have money, but it doesn’t mean that you understand the essence of OTC if you apply for a large amount. It can only be said that the water of OTC is very deep.

After discovering the freeze, call the bank customer service immediately to inquire about the situation, including the freezing time, freezing unit, freezing unit contact information, and freezing reason. If you cannot get the information by phone for some banks, go to the counter to ask clearly. If there is no contact information, they will tell you a certain public security agency in another place. Call 110 or 114 in another place to inquire about the phone number. If it is 3 days, just wait. Normally, after being frozen for 6 months, you must actively contact the freezing unit to inquire about the situation, answer questions truthfully, and prepare the following materials: transaction records for more than half a year, transaction records on the chain, chat records in the trading platform window, KYC measures you took in the transaction, horizontal comparison of transaction prices, number of transactions with the counterparty, personal income proof or source of funds for other funds in the card, etc. Send the materials by express delivery, and all that’s left is to wait. Some cards can be unfrozen upon submission of materials, some will be unfrozen only after expiration, and some will be frozen again after expiration.

After contacting the police handling the case of your card, there are generally two possibilities. The first one requires you to bring your ID card and bank statements. This is the most proactive way to deal with it. Usually, you will make a written inquiry. Please provide your specific situation and personal information, and the entire matter can be processed in one day. Another way is to transfer this matter to the local police. After the local police complete the transcript, they will pass your information to the police in another place.

Some people did not take the initiative to contact the police but were contacted by the police and strongly requested to go and take notes. Can I go? There is no fixed answer to this question. There will be many situations after the freeze: in the past, the person may have been sent thousands of miles away, directly detained, or the 37-pack package was arranged. In the past, the freeze was unfrozen after the transcripts were made, and the funds required to compensate the victim were unfrozen. Some people were afraid that they would not be able to go through for various reasons. Maybe it would be fine, and they would either unfreeze or renew the freeze when it expired; some people would not go over and give it to you. They were listed as online escapees, and some were frozen and suddenly were taken away from their homes without taking the initiative to contact them. Again, different freezes, different case managers, different regions, and different treatment methods will have different results. If the police take the initiative to contact you, such as sending you a letter of inquiry, just cooperate actively. If you are used by criminals for telecommunications fraud and money laundering because you sold bank cards, mobile phone cards, etc., then you are suspected of helping the information If you violate the criminal law and you will be jailed for cyber criminal activities, try to deal with it as much as possible, have a good attitude, plead guilty and accept punishment, you may be given a lighter sentence, such as a reprimand, etc., but you will not be jailed. Of course, if you commit a crime yourself, you are suspected of opening a bank or acting as an agent. , running scores, selling cards, etc. You must know that the police are not just for free. In fact, they know every transaction of yours. If the police take the initiative to contact you, you still have to actively cooperate and explain the situation truthfully.

I would like to add a few points: under what circumstances can I go and under what circumstances can I not go? The most important thing of all is money! It doesn't matter whether the money is important to you. Some people have hundreds or thousands of dollars frozen. The round-trip fare to the police in another place may cost a lot of money. The experience you pay is not worth it. Because when a bank card is frozen, it rarely happens except that your money cannot be used. Some people are worried about their bank’s credit report, whether they will have a criminal record in their future work, etc. There are very few other things that I know of that happen, it's just a simple freeze on your bank card. However, if your card is not only frozen but also listed on the anti-fraud center’s list of “two card” disciplinary personnel, you should find out from the relevant departments as soon as possible whether you are involved in relevant criminal cases. If there is no such situation, submit an application to request cancellation. , this point should be paid attention to. It is classified as telecommunications fraud, personal credit is blacklisted, and it is a dishonest person, which will affect travel, etc. If your ID card cannot handle business, you will be restricted from high consumption, and you will not be able to take high-speed trains or airplanes; you will not be able to handle all telecommunications services, including mobile phone numbers, broadband, etc. At the same time, you will also be included in the credit system, which will affect your future home purchase loans. and credit card processing, and may not be able to handle related services of other operators.

In addition, it is recommended to cancel all frozen cards after they are unfrozen, so as not to add a lot of unnecessary trouble in the future. Many people think that it will be fine after being frozen. It is not a big deal if you continue to use the card, but as long as the previous transactions of your card are traced Yes, the starting time is 6 months and there is also the risk of being frozen by the bank. I have emphasized this to many people. Many people find it troublesome and do not want to go to the bank to cancel. If they are traced later, they will be frozen for another 6 months. You There is no chance to log out.


4. Sharing of unfrozen cases

(I) This frozen friend had previously withdrawn 90,000 yuan from a certain platform. When he tried to use the money, he found that his withdrawal card, the Bank of Communications card, was frozen. The situation was that he had withdrawn 90,000 yuan through the OTC business C2C. The merchant on the other side also used real-name remittances, and the price was also the normal price of the platform, but it was frozen. You can call the customer service of the Bank of Communications to ask for some freezing information. The person in contact was from Zaozhuang, Shandong. After telling the truth about his own situation, the police were very good. They said that a previous payment of more than 100,000 yuan was involved in the case. Other details were not mentioned, and he was asked to go over to cooperate with the investigation. The customer only then realized that there was a problem with the previous payment of more than 100,000 yuan, not the last payment of 90,000 yuan that caused the card to be frozen. The customer was ready to go, and finally he contacted the police again, saying that the epidemic was relatively serious and needed work, and hoped to express the materials first. Unexpectedly, the police really agreed. Why do I suggest this? Because the citizen police will tell you some information on the phone. If it is very serious, the police will not tell you any information related to the case. I am so smart! ! According to my suggestion, the frozen friend prepared the materials and sent them to the police by express delivery. Three days after receiving the express delivery, the frozen friend happily contacted me and said that the funds were unfrozen. This speed was beyond my expectation. I summarized three points for him: First, he used a formal large platform to withdraw funds, and also received and paid funds under real names. Second, he was lucky and the funds he received should not be the first few hands. Of course, this is just an experience guess. The third and most important point is that he met a good policeman who really did practical things for ordinary people. Because the frozen friend's family was really in difficulty (his father had lung cancer, and the materials were attached with surgery certificates, medical records, etc.), he received the righteous care of the police comrade.

(II) The second person, this friend’s card was frozen by the Agricultural Bank of China. There were only a few dozen yuan in the card. The Agricultural Bank of China could not get any information by phone, so he went to the counter to check. It was six months. The bank did not have the contact information of the freezing unit. It only showed that the Shenzhen Economic Investigation Bureau had frozen the funds. It should be related to telecommunications fraud. Baidu searched many phone numbers and finally contacted the freezing unit. After telling the situation, the police recorded the name, phone number, bank card number and other information, saying that thousands of cards were frozen and asked him to wait for the police to contact him. The friend asked what to do next. In fact, the money was not much, and they took the initiative to contact him. Just wait slowly. As a result, no one contacted this friend. After six months, the friend’s card was frozen again. What should I do? I asked him if he had not been contacted? Answer: No. I said there was no money in it. You had contacted before. Wait for another six months. I told him that someone had frozen and renewed the freezing three times in a year. No one could do anything about it. He was also unwilling to spend money to hire a professional lawyer to unfreeze the money. In this case, the amount was not large, so he could only wait.

(III) This friend’s bank account was frozen in a certain city (those who asked me if there is a difference between bank cards can read here. The police can also freeze small banks with one click). I won’t talk about the old ways. The difference between this friend’s bank account is that he has to wait for the money in the card to be used. I suggested that he go to make a statement. The friend had no choice but to travel all the way to the frozen city with a bumpy heart. He waited at the door early the next day. After work, he waited for about an hour and was arranged in a small room. According to his description, it was not an interrogation room. It was almost noon when he came out after the statement was made. I only emphasized that he should answer the questions truthfully and read the statement carefully before signing. The police meant that the victim’s funds were transferred to his card. The victim was an elderly lady who came to cry many times. If he wanted to unfreeze the money, he should return the money that the lady was cheated of to the aunt first, and then the rest could be unfrozen. The friend said that I was innocent and his financial conditions were not good, so he was unwilling. The police asked the friend to think about it carefully, and the friend returned in the afternoon. The friend said that there were more than 300,000 yuan in the card, and he really didn’t want to compensate 120,000 yuan. If it was 10,000 or 20,000 yuan, it would be fine. I said you should wait and see what happens after the expiration. Half a year later, my friend contacted me happily and said he had withdrawn the money and closed his account without renewing the freeze. This friend was also very lucky. Maybe the police found the people who had made the freeze a few hands before him, or caught the fraudster, etc. I don’t know the specific situation.

There are too many cases of freezing, so I can only mention a few common ones for your reference. I also hope that friends in the currency circle can control it from the source. No matter how much you know about how to deal with it after freezing, it is better not to freeze it.

@WE ARE KOLS An article explaining OTC frozen cards in detail