In the context of NFT (non-fungible token) dictionaries, "WL" stands for "white list" and "OG" stands for "original gangster."

A white list refers to a list of addresses or users that are granted permission to access a particular NFT or NFT collection. This can be useful for controlling access to exclusive or limited-edition NFTs. Only those on the white list are able to buy, sell, or trade the NFTs in question.

The term "original gangster" is used to refer to the first or earliest version of an NFT or a particular collection. In the context of NFTs, it typically implies that the NFT or collection in question is highly respected or influential within the NFT community. For example, an "OG NFT" might be one of the earliest CryptoKitties or one of the original CryptoPunks. These NFTs are often highly sought-after and command high prices in the NFT market.

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