Again and again the area I marked was very accurate, but no entry đŸ€Ł.. If you see strong rejection like that, you are worried that BTC will correct first to 38K, why? Because he has to get his footing at least at the 21 Weekly EMA... Just my advice is don't be careless (set the RR) don't be greedy (keep your margin) for now in this condition it's okay to have FOMO as long as the first thing comes first. You need to remember that in any market CORRECTION is a normal thing... One more thing, my analysis is that for now BTC will correct very quickly but it will not have a significant effect on other pairs such as altcoins ETH et al. On the contrary, this is an opportunity for Pair2 against BTC, for example, ETHBTC as I posted yesterday, the marking area that I predicted was very accurate#BTC#bitcoiners #ETH #ETHBTC $BTC $ETH