According to Foresight News, Igor Igamberdiev, head of Wintermute research, tweeted that the wallet associated with the TerraUSD (UST) decoupling incident last year may be associated with the trading company Jane Street. Igor Igamberdiev said that Clearpool announced on May 3 last year that Jane Street borrowed 25 million USDC from BlockTower using their licensed lending pool, based on which he identified three addresses belonging to the trading company. Igor Igamberdiev only analyzed one of the wallets, Wallet A, as follows:

In the two weeks after the Terra crash, Wallet A received $15 million and repaid it to the lender along with an additional $10 million without any use; invested $150,000 in Tonic DEX; and borrowed another $25 million to deposit into a Coinbase wallet. Before receiving $25 million from Jane Street, this Coinbase wallet received 84.5 million USDC from the UST depegger after a large exchange. Apart from the two deposits mentioned, this wallet has no other interactions, so it is highly likely that they belong to the same entity. Igamberdiev pointed out that Wallet A held UST on Anchor for a month, which does not necessarily mean that Jane Street has malicious intent.