Have you seen which day is today?

January 8th 2024 (888)

  • -      Day 8

  • -      Year 8 (2+0+2+4)

  • -      Whole day 8 (1+8+2+0+2+4 = 17 = 1+7 = 8)

As I said in some of my chibi videos, I think money is energy, as we just trust that this or that values something we can give in exchange. We had food, tools, gold, money and now crypto.

Before we could trust people, governments, banks, now community.

If you let the money untouched as many have been doing for years, then economy doesn´t flow.

If you let the money untouched as many have been doing for years, then economy doesn´t flow.

I remember when pandemia started, a friend who works in government position said he was afraid about situation and didn´t want to spend money. I told him that freelancers cannot have fear. We had to keep going, struggling.

If he can spend money and doesn´t do it, all others will not even survive. And this happened, you know. We had the economy stopped. Well, we know who generally keeps moving it.

So then, I also understood just today. As I´m basically a holder, I´m also stopping the economy. I just bought and only sold when I needed, and cried for it.

Trading is not about speculation (what I didn´t like), it is about moving money, making it flow, up and down, for me, for you, for others. Just moving! This is one of the lessons I learned these days.

Crypto is about numbers.

My chibi story since last week

I can tell, for Christmas Lottery, first prize, lottery jackpot was 88.008 in Spain, coincidence or causality? It is just luck or cause? What do you think?

I never buy, I don´t trust in luck, but my family said I should pay part just because in case we win something, I would be out. Then I accepted. I didn´t think to tell them to buy some with the number of 8.

But after not winning anything, of course, after not winning big first prices from BinanceWish and Cryptoisbetter, I decided to co-create my own reality.

After many doctors these 2 months, I asked a friend healer (and payed her of course) to check about me and help me about what I should do. She ended telling me to do 4 tasks for 21 days at least.

  1. Give thanks 3 times every morning. In Spanish is more strong (Gracias gracias gracias). Even I do also in English, Spanish and Japanese (Thanks! ¡Gracias! Arigatô!!!). I forgot many times.

  2. Listen to Honoponono video to healing fears

  3. Listen to Honoponono for Love

  4. Ask for help to my guides so they can tell me some messages

I just started this on December 29th.

I checked all my portfolio, my wallets, my banks, see how much I had there, how much I need to the end of the month and year as finishing everything.

I felt really tired about checking everyday if I had money here or there to pay so many costs (I lost my job because of pandemia, serious family issues, I personally fell down in November and still have sprain ankle and wrist). No health, no love, no money. Lol. That is how I ended the year. Well, so then, 2024 should be better for ease, rite?

I checked all tokens I had, others that some recommended to buy and I also review about charts and possibilities, I tried to remember ALL I learned these 3 years since I started in Crypto world.

Then as fundamentals (about company etc), I knew what was coming soon from the web3 NFT streaming platform I´m working with I checked technical analysis and I saw that it was easy to make x 2, a 100% easy. Not sure when but it was ok. More than keeping some tokens there for months or years.

Next step, I checked how much could I invest. Generally it is what you can afford to lose. As I still have debts, I´m in red numbers, then I did as 3 years ago (January 1st 2021 1 am, first buying in Binance), I decided to invest only in the rite way. Everything I had, my last money to only one option.

At first it was difficult for me, as I send USDT but to ETH blockchain and I couldn´t change it into BSC, I had to send it again to Binance and then send to the right net, etc etc. Then my first buying in pancakeswap, add token contract, accept, but no BNB to pay fees, then again checking, white lists etc stuff. Frustrating. It was crazy, I was so tired.

But I thought, “Don´t put off until tomorrow what you can do today”. Only today, now exists. Future depends on what you do today. Tomorrow will be again today and so on.

I finally manage it. January 1st early morning, while everybody was in a party, drunk or sleeping, I was checking all and finally could manage. Bought at $0.002

Once done, I thought, ok, then if x2, 100% maybe I should take my original investment as I need it. But I thought I had some time, maybe some weeks, some months for that, but is ok, I can wait a bit.

January 2nd, first pump x 3 and next days continued x 10 and then just only one week later x 15 for me, lool!! And it is still pumping daily.

So then, I was lucky or not? I left my fears, imagined, used my chibi tools and decided. And I had success, I´m still having success, so that is why I´m sharing all about my very real experience.

Or what do you think, maybe because I decided to move and invest (even maybe I´m not a whale, market cap is still so low so any movement can be remarkable) and then it popped up some alert and other big names came in, checked the fundamentals, the possibilities and then decided to invest?

Do the same, decide what do you want now an create it.

Maybe you also have some limits, your beliefs really can limit you. But basicallyu, do you think you deserve to be wealthy, healthy and loved?

When I was so happy with my 300% profit at first, I said I want to tip some Square creators, only 5 persons answered me, no Binance angels at all. Lol. Maybe some of you are not prepared. Check yourself this.

I will also make some healing audios and videos so I can share it with you what it worked with me. Because it is really very powerful what I´m doing.


About number 8, today is 888.

Infinitive symbol, Chinese lucky number, numerologically has same meaning.

∞ Year 8 of infinite prosperity & wealth!

🐉 May the Wooden Dragon bring us courage, success & luck on our journey

Also let´s recheck what has happened on August 8th 2024! (888)

But there is one more detail, maybe it is year 8, but which is your number? And if you make combination of your number and this number, in which step are you?

I will put my example so you can check which is yours.

Write down your birthday. Mine April 7th 1974 (yeah, going to have half a century in a few months). Reduce to one number. If you have some 11, 22 or 33, they are special numbers too.

In numbers 4 / 7 / 1974 = 4 / 7 / 1+9+7+4 > 4+7+21 > 32 > 3+2 = 5.

My number of destiny. If you were born in the morning there is some influence of previous number or if at night some of next number. Pure number is 12 midday. I´m nearly 5 but with a bit of 4 as 11 am.

One special number is what you have for your day. Mine is 7.

Then to know what is going to happen to you, sum your destiny number (mine is 5) plus year number (8) = 13 > 1+3 > 4. For me.

So, check list of number meanings. So you can understand about you and situation.

  1. Creative, independent, original, ambitious. Year of new projects.

  2. Empathy, cooperation, sensible. Cooperation.

  3. Communicative, expression, optimistic. Socials.

  4. Order, values, loyal, rigid. Organization.

  5. Action, freedom, travels. Changes.

  6. Lovely, responsible, honest. Family.

  7. Spiritual, wise, meditative. Spirituality.

  8. Power, executive ability, extra rigid, management. Material power.

  9. Artistic genius, humanitarian sense, emotionally sentimental, selfless. End of era.

So, what does all this mean. Example in my case.

Number 7 for day of birth, quite spiritual.

Number 5 for full date of birth. Actions, freedom, travels, do changes. With a bit of 4 for organization.

Number 4 for this year 2024. I´m organizing all myself. Then some big changes for 2025 and love for 2026 etc…

Do you understand how it works?

Then of course it is more complete, as nearly every 7 years we have a number that also affects us. As I´m 49 (7x7), I´m just in a big change again. And also you can see I have a lot of 7 (spiritual) and 4 (organization), so yes, it is a bit crazy. But for a full study, this has to be payed. But I can share you the basics so you can see how it works.

As we say in crypto, DYOR, check by yourself, check your numbers, your family´s numbers and you will see ^___^

BTW, astrologically (about planets, eclipses etc) numerologically, from now to summer it will be really crazy, volatility. Also some big moments around March and April, and it coincides with bitcoin halving? Coincidence or causality? You can check Jose Millan Astrología Humanista and Emilio Alonso Ebrí in YT (in Spanish but there are subtitles).

If you want to confirm, please comment your birthday and let´s check which is your number.

Thanks! ¡Gracias! Arigatô!!!

#888 spreading prosperity