It’s still early days for the cryptocurrency bull market, and we can’t let our enthusiasm get to our heads. With Bitcoin blocks being produced every 10 minutes, the current filthy fiat financial system is coming to its predetermined ignominious end. No matter how certain I am of this final outcome, the path to the future is unknown. We must remain vigilant and place our chips accordingly.

In short, at this stage of the cycle, I am fully allocated, which means I am selling fiat and buying crypto. I’m gearing up for a vicious purge of all crypto tourists this March. There are all kinds of signposts that give me a glimpse into the future. I will lay out my reasoning and the inflection points I will observe that will give me the confidence to first massively short the crypto market using Bitcoin puts, then resume selling T-bills, and buy more Bitcoin coins and other cryptocurrencies. #BTC #etf