The following content comes from a tweet by Nervos Chief Architect Jan Xie on X (Twitter), original link:

As a monetary system, Bitcoin is essentially layered. What should the second layer of the Bitcoin monetary system look like? It should be a part that makes the entire system harmonious and complete, and have the same philosophy and value orientation as the first layer. It should be interconnected with the first layer so that BTC can flow freely between layers and provide a consistent user experience for users and developers.

#CKB is the ideal second layer of the Bitcoin monetary system. #CKB Follows values ​​that are completely consistent with Bitcoin, such as #PoW instead of #PoS , #UTXO instead of accounts, decentralization before TPS, unmanipulable issuance rules, etc. Through the expanded UTXO model of Cell, CKB can provide Bitcoiners with more decentralized application scenarios while maintaining a consistent experience for users and developers. On CKB, you can still use a Bitcoin wallet to operate CKB applications, perform address rotation by default to protect privacy, and study how to manage UTXOs under dust limits/minimum capacity constraints - because all of these are built on the same basic principles.

Additionally, CKB provides an excellent experimental playground for Bitcoin, as CKB adheres to Bitcoin’s core values ​​and design philosophy while providing an enhanced UTXO model and more powerful programming capabilities. This means that the challenges faced by CKB are similar to those of Bitcoin, and the optimal solutions are essentially valid for both. Using customized cryptographic primitives on CKB enables developers and researchers to explore their most innovative ideas. It is easier to test new ideas like covenant (CTV), PSBT, and Intents on CKB, and if successful, they can be integrated back into Bitcoin’s layer 1 (also providing a strong argument for their entry into layer 1).

It is worth pointing out that the second layer of the Bitcoin monetary system does not need to share security with Bitcoin. Multiple second layers can form a decentralized, resilient and loosely connected monetary system with Bitcoin at its core. Such a system has no single point of security and can provide a consistent user experience everywhere without worrying about liquidity fragmentation. Because Bitcoin is money, it only needs to provide monetary functions, not everything else. Because UTXO is a first-class citizen here, accounts are abstracted and processed off-chain. CKB perfectly fits the vision of Bitcoin as a new monetary system and can become an ideal Bitcoin Layer2.
