Most BRC20 inscription communities themselves are fragile and have poor liquidity, and will be even more vulnerable if disagreements arise within the community.

Many communities are going through this adjustment for the first time. I remember when ARKB was adjusted for the first time, not many people believed that it could rise again, only those of us who preached. Because of the underlying principles, I believe this track is in its earliest stages.

Therefore, community building is very important when adjusting. We all come from the bottom, and it is difficult to unite with each other to do one thing.

Because there are many speculators, when the general trend adjusts, speculators, smart money, and some profits will be eliminated. Only when currency prices fall can we attract people who truly love the community and wash out speculators.

Consensus determines everything. The lighter the car, the better it will take off next time the wind comes.

At this time, no matter what others say, don't worry, just be yourself. See because you believe. Most of them believe it because they have seen it. It is normal for this group of people to be eliminated.

In front of the trend, no one can stop it. If you attribute the correction of currency prices to other reasons, you are basically either stupid or stupid. The key point is that some people still want to lie down and enjoy the fruits of other people's efforts in the community, but they still want to scold these contributors.

The last question, I think there are robots in OK’s market that are placing orders, and it has nothing to do with arkb community members. I don't understand what it is.

#ARKB是BRC20一道靓丽的风景线美国sec批准的第一个比特币现货ETF, #BRC20铭文是未来十年距离普通人最近的暴富机会ARKB值得投资 #sats作为gas奠定了BRC20新龙头位置,可布局一些ARKB #ordinals热度不减,BRC20的ARKB值得关注 #arkb $BTC $BNB $SOL