Web3 represents the next generation of Internet technology. Although the concept is relatively new, in the blockchain field, many projects are working to promote the development of Web3 because it brings many advantages, including returning control to users. However, there is still a long way to go to achieve widespread adoption of Web3. For those of us who are second-level participants, there may be relatively few or even no opportunities for first-level participation. The only thing we can do is conduct secondary market research. In this regard, Uncle Ai will screen Binance’s projects that involve the education sector and have appeared in the secondary market, and create a related thread. Today we will first learn about Hooked Protocol (HOOK).

Hooked Protocol is a Web3 gamified social learning platform that focuses on providing customized learning and earning money products. Its goal is to provide enterprises with entry-level infrastructure and decentralized applications (DApps), help more enterprises enter Web3, and ultimately establish an economic ecosystem shared by the community. Hooked Protocol is committed to solving the three major challenges facing Web3 adoption: insufficient user motivation, high barriers to entry, and insufficient Web3 education.

Hooked Protocol’s strengths include innovative educational methods, social recommendation mechanisms, and onboarding solutions for businesses. To date, Hooked Protocol has achieved some notable achievements. Its first DApp, Wild Cash, was launched at the end of 2022 and has become one of the largest DApps on the blockchain. With more than 3 million monthly active users, it has become a portal for Web3 resources in emerging markets.

Hooked Protocol's ecosystem is gradually exploding and will cooperate with many excellent projects in the future. Hook's millions of out-of-circle traffic has officially been converted into in-circle traffic, and some staking mechanisms are about to be launched, and a large number of Hooks will be locked up. Especially in the Turkish and Korean markets, Hook is particularly popular, with a market value of US$63.4 million. For the entire education market, this valuation still has a lot of room for growth. The market is currently in full swing, and many copycat projects are also active. Therefore, participating in the future market and formulating a long-term entry plan is very critical to find a high-quality target.



The market is entering a fever pitch, and there are already some clues as to when the bull market will arrive and what its signs will be. At this time, you must be fully prepared, and pay special attention to the possible compensatory growth of Ethereum and other altcoins!