My Final Motivation and Market Expectations for 2023 📌

First of all, it has been a good year with you. We have accomplished a great job in 5 months with 11,600 followers. Thank you for your support and always being there for me ❤️

New year means new hopes. It means turning the page and opening a white page. I hope to achieve this both spiritually and materially. My birthday is December 31st and I have left 37 years behind. Each year has added new value to me. Each year has made me a new me. Every year I say how ignorant I was last year. So this is one of the biggest factors in my winning. I don't believe I'm perfect. I strive to achieve perfection. I'm always trying to improve myself more. Because I know that when I say I know, I will lose. I respect every opinion. As long as there is no sweat on my values.

I have an investment policy. I've been hurt many times in crypto. The most difficult moments were the transactions I entered with my entire cash deposit. Yes, he leaves good money while earning. But when you get stuck, you don't have the opportunity to recover. Your hands are tied. And the result is disappointment. For this reason, I make my purchases and sales in 3 parts. And every time I strayed from that, I regretted it. That's why I will continue with my buy in 3 pieces, sell in 3 pieces policy. I will make my first purchases when we are down 30%. I already share all my purchases and sales with you here. Yes, 2024 will be a profitable year. But it will never be easy. So prepare yourself now. Don't daydream and trip over the paving stones. Focus on what's ahead, we need to hit the money this year. Keep your psychology in order. Sleep well, eat well. Spend time with your family and loved ones. Don't get stuck in front of the screen.

Do not buy or sell based on someone's words. Find an investor that suits your plan, I will keep the products I will buy until the end of the month.

I will only use 20% of my wallet for Day Trading.

Don't forget to stay tuned and turn on notifications. I wish you all a nice year. You are loved ❤️
