According to Wu’s report, Wu learned that according to Arkham monitoring, the Ethereum Foundation transferred 84.211 ETH to the multi-signature contract: 0x26...19cd at 16:56 UTC+8 on September 19, worth about US$205,000, which may be a donation to Edge City.

Edge City is committed to being a social incubator - a laboratory for experimenting with new ideas, technologies, cultures and organizations. Edge City was co-founded by Janine, Gary, Timour and Vjera, in collaboration with many Zuzalu community members.

Multi-signature contract: 0x26...19cd is a 2/3 multi-signature, and the multi-signatories include timour.eth, edgevillage.eth and the address whose gas fee is provided by janinegtc.eth: 0x19...5Ee5.