According to Cointelegraph, Telegram CEO Pavel Durov is under investigation in Switzerland for suspected child abuse. The case was filed by his ex-partner Irina Bolgar and involves unpaid child support and custody disputes.

According to Forbes, Bolgar filed a criminal complaint against Durov in March 2023, alleging aggressive and violent behavior toward the child. Bolgar also filed a civil custody lawsuit.

The child abuse case focuses on five instances in which Durov inflicted injuries on his young son, including concussions and persistent sleep disturbances, between 2021 and 2022. The investigation includes message records from November 2021 and medical records from April 2023.

The case was filed in Geneva a few months after Durov stopped paying his monthly maintenance of 150,000 euros. The Geneva prosecutor's office initially dismissed the case, but Bolgar successfully appealed in May 2023 and the case continued in October.

Bolgar claims Durov stopped contacting the child and stopped paying child support in September 2022. Forbes estimates Durov’s wealth at $15.5 billion.

Durov was arrested in France on August 24 on multiple charges, including conspiracy to engage in illegal activity, refusal to communicate with authorities, money laundering, criminal association, and undeclared crypto services.