According to Odaily Planet Daily, Matthew Sigel, head of digital asset research at VanEck, predicts that more than $6 trillion in inheritance may flow into cryptocurrencies in the next 20 years. Sigel cited a 2024 Bank of America private banking research report, which stated that by 2045, Generation X, millennials and future generations will inherit $84 trillion in wealth from older generations and baby boomers. In order for $6 trillion to flow into cryptocurrencies, young American investors aged 21-43 must inherit $42 trillion from baby boomers and continue to allocate 14% of their funds to cryptocurrency investments.

The study also found that 28% of investors aged 21-43 believe cryptocurrencies offer the most growth opportunities. This finding suggests that cryptocurrency investing is the second most popular investment among younger investors, behind real estate and private equity. In contrast, 4% of investors aged 44 and older said cryptocurrencies offer the most growth opportunities. Bank of America said the differences between younger and older investors "go beyond allocations to cryptocurrencies or private investments" and pointed to more fundamental changes.