According to TechFlow, Avail founder Prabal said that Avail is a specialized DA solution and they are building more content, hoping to create a base layer to create a very good unified experience for users. The key points they hope to improve include ensuring that there is a data availability layer and how the interactions between rollups are carried out. As for the differences between Avail, Celestia, and Eigenlayer, Prabal believes that the core details of the three are different. Celestia uses a hash-based scheme, while Avail takes a more proof-of-validity approach, combined with KZG commitments and erasure codes. This means that Avail does not need to rely on underlying fraud proofs, while Celestia's data availability needs to rely on underlying fraud proofs to ensure security. As for Eigen Layer, they are a data committee, and the specific operation methods and performance benchmarks remain to be seen.