According to Odaily, a recent study by Messari has shed light on the Particle Network and the chain abstraction track. The report highlights that the Particle Network, with its modular Layer-1, offers three key features: universal accounts, universal liquidity, and universal Gas. These features aim to achieve chain abstraction and simplify user interaction across different blockchains.

The Particle Network's modular Layer-1 design allows for the creation of universal accounts. These accounts enable users to interact with different blockchains without the need for multiple accounts. This not only simplifies the process but also enhances the user experience by providing a seamless interaction across various blockchains.

In addition to universal accounts, the Particle Network also provides universal liquidity. This feature ensures that users have access to liquidity across different blockchains, thereby eliminating the need for individual liquidity pools for each blockchain.

The third feature, universal Gas, is designed to standardize transaction costs across different blockchains. This feature simplifies the transaction process and provides a uniform cost structure, making it easier for users to transact across different blockchains.

In conclusion, the Particle Network, through its modular Layer-1 design and features like universal accounts, universal liquidity, and universal Gas, is making strides in achieving chain abstraction and simplifying user interaction across different blockchains.