According to Odaily, Secret Network has announced the integration of its Confidential Computing Layer with Optimism's OP Mainnet. This integration will enable a variety of use cases, including private voting for DAOs, encrypted storage for applications, secure random number generation for games, confidential data related to NFTs, internal bidding auctions for NFTs and other assets, and encrypted order books for DeFi applications.

The Confidential Computing Layer of Secret Network is a significant component that ensures the privacy and security of data. With this integration, it will now be possible to conduct private voting within DAOs, a feature that could enhance the democratic process within these decentralized organizations.

Furthermore, the integration will allow for encrypted storage within applications, providing an additional layer of security for users. This could be particularly beneficial for games that require secure random number generation, as it would ensure fair play.

In the realm of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), the integration will enable the handling of confidential data. This could potentially increase the privacy of transactions involving NFTs. Additionally, it will facilitate internal bidding auctions for NFTs and other assets, which could make the auction process more efficient and secure.

Lastly, the integration will also impact DeFi applications by enabling encrypted order books. This feature could enhance the security and privacy of transactions within the DeFi space, potentially attracting more users to these platforms.