According to BlockBeats, Ethereum is planning its next major upgrade, Pectra, which is expected to be launched in the fourth quarter of 2024 or the first quarter of 2025. Pectra combines two previously planned upgrades: Prague (for the execution layer) and Electra (for the consensus layer), aiming to bring multiple ambitious improvements to Ethereum, making it more flexible and optimized than ever before. The Pectra upgrade plans to incorporate 9 standard EIPs and a meta-EIP consisting of another 11 constituent EIPs, which include enhancements to account abstraction, validator operations, and overall network performance. In the Pectra era, Ethereum will meet a wider range of use cases and user needs, accounts will be more programmable, L2 will be more affordable, smart contracts will be more efficient, and validators will be more flexibly managed. Although nothing is set in stone yet, the Ethereum community is focusing on implementing Verkle trees in the Osaka upgrade after Pectra.