According to Odaily, the former President of the United States has expressed his desire for all remaining Bitcoin to be produced domestically. He made this statement in a recent social media post, advocating for the 'Made in the USA' approach to be applied to the production of the popular cryptocurrency.

The former President's comments reflect a growing interest in the potential of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies within the United States. His call for domestic production suggests a belief in the economic benefits that could come from the country taking a leading role in the cryptocurrency industry.

However, it's important to note that the production of Bitcoin, also known as mining, requires significant energy resources. This has led to concerns about the environmental impact of large-scale Bitcoin mining operations.

The former President did not provide further details on how he envisions the domestic production of Bitcoin being implemented. It remains to be seen how his comments will be received by the cryptocurrency community and whether they will lead to any changes in the way Bitcoin is produced in the United States.