According to U.Today, Charles Hoskinson, the founder of Cardano, recently responded to a poll regarding the security sustainability of the Cardano network. The poll, initiated by Rick McCracken Digi, a Cardano SPO, asked the ADA community about their preferred method to sustain the future security of Cardano. The options included a 2% inflation of ADA rewards, similar to other blockchains like Ethereum, Dogecoin, and Solana, or 20% of the inflation-generated revenue from staking other or partner chains.

The poll results showed that 20% of respondents chose the first option, while 35.3% opted for the second. However, the majority of respondents (44.8%) were undecided and chose the option to 'show results'. In response to the poll, Hoskinson highlighted a statistic from the Bitcoin network, stating that 75% of the revenue generated from mining Bitcoin blocks comes from transaction fees, not block inflation.

Hoskinson suggested that Cardano could follow a similar path, with millions of transactions expected to be processed using Cardano. These transactions could fund the block producers, ensuring the network's security and sustainability. This model aligns with the broader shift in the crypto industry towards transaction fee-based revenue models, which are seen as more sustainable in the long term compared to reliance on block rewards.

McCracken, who initiated the poll, agreed with Hoskinson's perspective. He added that one issue that needed to be addressed was the throughput and number of users required to achieve sustainability.