According to TechFlow, the well-known American Web3 media Coindesk held the Consensus 2024 conference in Austin, Texas from May 29 to 31, 2024. This is one of the world's largest and most influential cryptocurrency and blockchain industry events, bringing together developers, investors, founders, brands and policymakers from all over the world.

This conference is the first since the bull market. Although the number of participants has decreased compared with previous years, the overall quality has improved significantly. Most of this year’s attendees are in-depth participants in the industry. For companies that want to raise funds in the United States or find customers or investment targets, Consensus is still one of the top three unmissable blockchain events in the United States.

The formal activities in the venue did not seem to have as many participants as last year, and more discussions and exchanges took place in various side events. AI and Decentralized Internet of Things (DePIN) are the ecosystem tracks that receive the most attention at this conference. The number of Asian participants is very significant, and many participants flew in from China to participate in this conference.

Overall, Consensus 2024 demonstrated the depth and breadth of the industry, heralding a more open, innovative, and decentralized future.