According to Odaily Planet Daily, UXLINK, as a Web3 social platform and infrastructure, serves both C-end users and B-end developers. C-end users use groups as the main scenario to socially discover, participate and invest/trade Crypto assets. B-end developers use UXLINK's UXDiscover, UXGroup and other Dapps and RWS social protocols, social relationships and data to develop and achieve growth. B-end developers will also provide different trading scenarios and products, such as Airdroup, Pre-market, MEMECOIN, etc., and UXLINK will share commissions. UXLINK charges B-end developers for the use of applications, protocols and data, which are denominated in Tokens, and 85-90% is allocated to community users, while charging 10-15% infrastructure usage fees. For C-end users, most functions are free, and only the transaction part charges a handling fee of about 1-3%. The head of the UXLINK community introduced that UXLINK has had a very clear business model since its establishment, and has generated revenue in 2023. Since March 2024, the UXLINK social ecosystem has begun to be established to benefit the community and developers more. At present, the monthly income (calculated by the value of Tokens) can already cover the expenditure of the project, forming a benign development and gear effect. This flywheel effect is also an empowerment for UXLINK Token. Both C-end users and B-end developers need to pay (consume) UXLINK Token to meet their needs, so that UXLINK Token has practical usage scenarios under the premise of limited supply, forming a benign deflation model.