According to Odaily Planet Daily, broker Bernstein pointed out in a research report that Riot Platforms is the most ambitious Bitcoin mining company trying to integrate the field, hoping to become the world's largest listed mining company. Riot Platforms is headquartered in Colorado and has the financial ability to integrate the mining field because it has no debt and more than $1.3 billion in cash and Bitcoin on its balance sheet. The report also mentioned that the Bitcoin mining business is becoming increasingly difficult for small companies, and the Bitcoin mining industry is expected to be integrated into five large companies that will control a large amount of production capacity. In addition, Riot Platforms has acquired a 9.25% stake in Bitfarms and plans to publicly acquire the smaller Bitcoin miner, but the latter rejected Riot's acquisition offer last month. Riot proposed to acquire Bitfarms for $2.30 per share in cash and stock, equivalent to an equity value of $950 million.