According to Odaily, a man named Sahil has been revealed to have used social engineering techniques to infiltrate the X accounts of Caitlyn Jenner, Soul Ja Boy, Rich The Kid, Kazumi, and Ivana Knöll, carrying out a memecoin scam. The information was disclosed by a crypto detective known as Roxo.

Roxo pointed out that Jenner's team was deceived, while other celebrities were manipulated by Sahil to pump and dump. Despite Jenner continuing to promote her JENNER coin, Sahil has successfully carried out five influencer scams. Roxo's investigation found that all related tokens were linked to Sahil's wallet address.

Jenner's manager, Sophia Hutchins, confirmed that the JENNER coin is real and the account has not been hacked. Rich The Kid stated in a video that his account was invaded by Sahil and used to promote tokens, which were then pumped and dumped, with all funds transferred to Sahil's account and subsequently blocked. Currently, Sahil's account has been deleted.