According to Odaily, Scallop, a Sui ecosystem lending protocol, has announced a temporary halt to Scallop Swap due to issues with its partners RPC and Swap Router. The company is actively working to resolve the issue and will make a public announcement once Scallop Swap is back to normal operation.

In addition to this, Scallop has also announced adjustments to the parameters of its CETUS pool. The liquidation threshold will be adjusted from 80% to 65%, and the collateral weight will be changed from 50% to 45%. These changes are expected to be implemented today. The company has not provided further details on the implications of these adjustments, but they are likely to affect the operation of the CETUS pool.

The temporary halt of Scallop Swap and the adjustments to the CETUS pool parameters are significant developments for Scallop. The company has not provided a timeline for when Scallop Swap will resume normal operation, but it is actively working to resolve the issues with its partners. The adjustments to the CETUS pool parameters are also expected to have an impact on the operation of the pool, but the specific implications of these changes are not yet clear.